Spider has been surging after the first few weeks of Kotei, all on the backs of good old Breeder. Below you can find a sampling of high-finishing Spider Breeder decks from recent Kotei:
Andrzej Wrobel’s Breeder – Winner, Bielsko Kotei (see further discussion here)
Fields of the Dead
Events (3):
1x Fu Leng’s Guidance
1x The New Order
1x The War of Dark Fire
Holdings (14):
1x Barley Farm
2x Border Village
1x Dark Oracle of Fire – exp2
3x Expendable Resources
3x Oyo Seido
3x Shinomen Marsh
1x Traveling Peddler
Personalities (21):
3x Chuda Atsuro
3x Chuda Inisi
3x Chuda Otsu
1x Chuda Seikai
2x Chuda Shuzo
1x Daigotsu Susumu – exp
3x Hachigoro
1x Isawa Fosuta – exp
1x Master Saleh
3x Udo
Regions (3)
2x Besieged Borderland
1x Private Shrine
FATE (41)
Strategies (38)
3x Border Ambush
2x Crippling Weather
2x Death is Not the End
2x Final Duty
3x Flanked by Nightmares
2x Forewarning
1x Game of Sincerity
3x Questionable Charity
2x Rout
3x Scouting Far Afield
2x Shameful and Cowardly
1x Stable Ground
2x The Dead Do Not Rest
2x Travel Light
3x Unclean Sacrifice
2x Unfamiliar Ground
3x Unnatural Hunger
Spells (3)
2x Might of the Shadowlands
1x Consuming the Flesh
Chris Slazinski’s Breeder – T2, Rockville (see further discussion here)
Fields of the Dead
1x The New Order
1x Alter History
2x Private Shrine
3x Expendable Resources
3x Oyo Seido
2x Border Village
2x Barley Farm
3x Shinomen Marsh
2x Traveling Peddler
1x Dark Oracle of Fire
1x Chuda Seikai
1x Daigotsu Susumu
1x Daigotsu Oki
3x Hachigoro
3x Chuda Otsu
3x Daigotsu Taizo
3x Chuda Atsuro
3x Udo
3x Chuda Inisi
3x Game of Sincerity
3x Rout
3x Settling the Homeless
2x Unfamiliar Ground
3x Final Duty
3x Border Ambush
3x Unclean Sacrifice
3x Flanked by Nightmares
3x Scouting Far Afield
3x Unnatural Hunger
2x Questionable Charity
2x Might of the Shadowlands
2x Forewarning
3x Claw and Shell
2x Caught Unawares
1x Ultimate Sacrifice
Angus Campbell’s Breeder – Vancouver, T4 (see further discussion here).
Fields of the Dead / Bamboo Harvester / Border Keep
Dynasty 41
Daikoku’s Guidance x1
Alter History x1
Private Shrine x 3
Shinomen Marsh x 3
Barley Farm x 3
Border Village x 3
Expendable Resources x 3
Traveling Peddler x 2
Dark Oracle of Fire x1
Hachigoro x 3
Chuda Otsu x 3
Udo x 3
Master Saleh x 2
Chuda Atsuro x 3
Chuda Inisi x 3
Chuda Shuzo x 3
Daigotsu Susumu x1
Fate 41
Caught Unawares x 3
Claw and Shell x 3
Crippling Weather x 3
Death is not the End x 2
Final Duty x 3
Flanked by Nightmares x 3
Rout x 3
Scouting Far Afield x 3
Settling the Homeless x 3
Shameful and Cowardly x 3
The Cost of Pride x 3
Ultimate Sacrifice x 1
Unclean Sacrifice x 3
Unnatural Hunger x 3
Might of the Shadowlands x 2
Chile Breeder – Santiago T8 (see further discussion here)
Fields of the Dead/Border Keep/Bamboo Harvesters
Dinasty (40):
Personalities (21):
1x Daigotsu Taizo
3x Chuda Otsu
3x Chuda Shuzo
1x Susumu
1x Chuda Seikai
3x Gutobo
3x Chuda Atsuro
3x Udo
3x Chuda Inisi
Events (1):
1x The New Order
Celestials (1):
1x Daikoku’s Guidance
Regions (3):
3x Private Shrine
Holdings (14):
3x Border Village
2x Travelling Peddler
3x Expendable Resource
3x Barley Farm
3x Shinomen Marsh
Fate (40):
Strategies (38):
3x Final Duty
3x Flanked by Nightmares
3x Game of Sincerity
2x Shameful and Cowardly
3x Claw and Shell
3x Rout
3x Settling the Homeless
3x Caught Unawares
3x Unfamiliar Ground
3x Border Ambush
3x Scouting Far Afield
2x Inexorable Defeat
3x Unclean Sacrifice
1x Ultimate Sacrifice
Spells (2):
2x Might of the Shadowlands
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