Once upon a time, I wrote about designing my ‘angry elven aasimar’ using Eldritch Foundry:
It has been too long since then, but not because the miniature didn’t arrive in a reasonable time, but because it turns out I am not the most skilled of photographers and didn’t have the equipment to compensate.
I wasn’t expecting the miniature to be black; I had assumed it would grey-ish like on the website. Black is more typical color of primer to use when painting a miniature, but here it left me with a harder time lighting the miniature properly. Also, while I liked the pose I chose with the figure’s head looking down – it’s got a ‘wrath from above’ feel to it and it keeps her hair out of her wings – it means that the miniature needed to be lit from below to get a good view. And I lacked the equipment to do that effectively. Eventually I ended up receiving some small, bright table lights as a gift, and it was finally time to take some better pictures! But enough of the travails of the amateur game reviewer!
I will provide some commentary on these photographs but, of course, you are in the best position to judge the miniature for yourself. Apologies for those on mobile devices, but there are a lot of images in this post.
I’ll start with a high angle overhead shot of the miniature so you can see the tin it came in and an Eldritch Foundry die for size comparison. From this angle the sharp lines on the base can be seen, as well as some detail on the wings and hair.

From the other side the excellent definition on the wing feathers is readily apparent. I’m very happy with the wings, as the ability to have real wings on a miniature without an extra charge was one of the Eldritch Foundry features that appealed to me. The detail on the top of the weapon can also be better seen here.

A similar shot.

Here’s a close-up shot of the face. At this distance, you can see the ‘fuzziness’ of the detail on the miniature (I have yet to see a mini where the face looks as sharp in reality as it did in the 3D render). The detail of the battle cry mouth is preserved, but the render’s detail around the eyes did is not readily visible to me.

The wing detail is good, but some of the torso detail – like the buttons – doesn’t come through for me. Because I’m focusing on the torso here the foregrounded magical flame in the left hand is not in focus (it can be seen better in other images).

Another chance to see the back wing detail and the weapon head (a closer shot of that later).

I think that the detail on the hip items and the boots came out well, although the softer creases in the pants are not as easily visible.

Here’s a close-up of the scythe blade and the top of the weapon. I picked this weapon out to be visually interesting, and I think the details of it, including things like the notch on the blade, came out well.

This time the weapon in the foreground gets short shrift, but you can see the magical flame in sharpter focus here.

Not sure there’s a lot here that you haven’t seen already, but again you can catch the great detail on the wings and both ends of the weapon.

In designing this miniature, I tried to pick out elements that would be visually striking or be challenging to produce. Two of those elements were the massive double-headed weapon and the wings, and I was very happy with those. A third was the facial expression. The general impression of the angry battle cry came out, but the detail there wasn’t as sharp as I had hoped. As noted above, however, you’ve got the images and can best judge for yourself.
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