Kotei 2012/Emperor Edition Meta-Game Update #11

We had three more Kotei this weekend, with full data available from all of them – some premier west coast players continue to roll with Mantis, Lion finally picks up a non-Ancestors Kotei win, Dragon avoids going a third weekend in a row without a W (but Crab does not), and Crane slides further after a big turnout in California without anyone in the cut.

Emperor Edition Environment
Players % of Field Made Cut Won % Made Cut Chi-Square Standard Residual
Crab 333 14.7% 89 7 26.7% 2.39
Crane 194 8.6% 19 0 9.8% -3.35
Dragon 240 10.6% 56 9 23.3% 0.88
Lion 281 12.4% 69 5 24.6% 1.40
Mantis 235 10.4% 48 6 20.4% -0.11
Phoenix 241 10.6% 56 3 23.2% 0.84
Scorpion 286 12.6% 58 4 20.3% -0.18
Spider 200 8.8% 24 1 12.0% -2.72
Unicorn 230 10.1% 46 3 20.0% -0.25
Unaligned 29 1.3% 2 6.9%
2269 467 20.0% 12.5

Make the Cut Rankings
1) Crab – 27%
2) Lion – 25%
3) Dragon – 23%
4) Phoenix – 23%
5) Mantis – 20%
6) Scorpion – 20%
7) Unicorn – 20%
8 ) Spider – 12%
9) Crane – 10%

4 thoughts on “Kotei 2012/Emperor Edition Meta-Game Update #11

    1. As discussed in the first EE stat update, the Emperor Edition environment included a small number of pre-Kotei storyline tournaments. I have included the data from those tournaments as well (where the data is available), as there is no reason to exclude them from a statistical analysis of the Emperor Edition environment simply because they aren’t Kotei.

      With regards to the Spider win, a Spider deck won the Nuremberg Imperial Explorers tournament.

  1. Hmmm . . . looks like I need to change the settings as “comment imported from blog” isn’t exactly as helpful as actually importing the comment from the blog. The data includes the handful of pre-Kotei Emperor-legal storyline tournaments, one of which was one by Spider.

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