The latest episode of the Strange Assembly podcast is now available for download. In the first half of the episode, Chris sits down with Nicolas Bongiu (L5R CCG Brand Manager), Shawn Carman (L5R RPG Brand Manager) and Adrian Burton (L5R Art Co-Director). Learn about the Second City box set for the L5R RPG and CCG releases after Seeds of Decay. Plus video tutorials, artist selection, and more!
Then keep on listening as Chris interviews L5R Rules Team member (and GenCon Head Judge) Brook Cunningham. See how much goofy and rules nerd-ness can be crammed into one 20-minute period!
Strange Assembly – Episode 062 – GenCon 2012 L5R Brand and RT Interviews
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(note: yes, Shawn sounds odd during this interview. I had to process him a lot to get him audible. Sorry)
Ah, who wants to listen to the RT? I mean really. 😛
Great interviews! Can’t wait to get some info on the war of twins but, another box set? Guess it will be another training grounds but, let’s hope its not full of good rares again cuz that gets expensive. Also, I wonder what they will want to include in the EE 10k set (or whatever they call it)?
I am assuming we’re looking at another Kyuden Tonbo set, but Phoenix v Scorpion over the Lion v Dragon. There probably will be a few nice rares, but nothing most players don’t already have. I’m half expecting to see at least one Sneak Attack and Traveling Peddler.
So waiting 2+ years on my card means I’ll get good art? Good times.