A round-up of high performing decklists from the FL environment, before we head into Second City. This second part has three decks – Dragon, Lion, and Phoenix
Dragon Kensai – Frédéric Capbert – Favored of the Water Dragon Winner
Tetsu Kama Mura
Border Keep
Bamboo Harvester
2 Plains of Resolution
1 Ebisu’s Honesty
1 Inheriting an Heirloom
3 Gold Mine
3 Permanent Encampment
3 Seiden Sanzo
3 War Encampment
3 Wooden Barricade
2 Tetsu Kama Mine
1 Public Records
3 Mirumoto Dakotsu
3 Mirumoto Houken
3 Mirumoto Kuronada
3 Mirumoto Mori
2 Mirumoto Kojinrue
1 Mirumoto Hojatsu
1 Mirumoto Kenzo exp 2
1 Mirumoto Kuronada exp
1 Togashi Satsu
3 Hundred-Fold Cut
3 Iainuki
3 Muscle and Steel
3 Readied Steel
3 Unstoppable Cut
2 Fearless Defense
2 Near Miss
2 Strength of the Bamboo
2 Unwavering Assault
1 Creating Order
1 Justly Earned Victory
3 Modification
3 Rising Sun Blade
3 Wyrmbone Katana
1 Cursed Relic
1 Heavenly Daisho of the Dragon
1 Hunger
1 Armor of the Ryu
1 Chagatai’s Armor
1 Ring of Water
Lion Paragons – Favored of the Earth Dragon T8, Top Lion
Shamate Keep
Border Keep
Bamboo Harvesters (exp)
Dynasty (40)
3 Copper Mine
3 Dockside Market
3 Fortified Dock
1 Kitsune Den
1 Peddler
1 Chugo Seido
1 The Seekers’ Temple
1 My Father’s Shrine
Akodo’s Guidance
Alter History
The War of the Dark Fire
Imperial Census
Second City
3 Matsu Kasei
2 Matsu Youko
3 Matsu Shunran
3 Matsu Kinihara
3 Matsu Koyama
1 Ikoma Ryozo
1 Matsu Mikura exp
1 Akodo Tsudoken
1 Akodo Kobi exp
1 Matsu Fumiyo exp
1 Ikoma Hagio exp
1 Akodo Shigetoshi exp 2
Fate (40)
3 Cast Aside the Weak
3 Will
3 Force of Spirit
3 My Life is Yours
3 Guided by Honor
3 Grateful Reward
3 Determined Force
2 Brothers in Battle
2 Iron Will
2 Only Actions Speak
2 Shameful and Cowardly
2 Scouting Far Afield
2 The Cost of Pride
Creating Order
A Game of Dice
Proper Deference
De Bellis Yoditorum
Ring of Water
Ring of the Void
Inquisitors – Javier España – Argentina WC 3rd Place
Temple of Purity
Border Keep
Bamboo Harvester xp
Regions (2)
1 x Hanayashiki
1 x Well Defended Border
Celestials (1)
1 x Saibankan’s Justice
Event (2)
1 x Ignoble Demise
1 x Winter’s Embrace
Holding (15)
3 x Magistrate’s Stipend
1 x Counting House
1 x Kitsune Den
3 x My Father’s Shrine
1 x Shrine to Hotei
3 x Silver Mine
3 x Temple to Shinsei
Personality (20)
3 x Asako Ayako
3 x Asako Izuna
3 x Asako Mokichi
3 x Asako Serizawa
3 x Asako Kaitoko
1 x Isawa Kumai xp
1 x Isawa Mitsuko
1 x Isawa Mizuhiko xp
1 x Isawa Sakonoko
1 x Isawa Kyoko xp
FATE (40):
Strategy (36)
3 x Forging Destiny
3 x Outer Walls
3 x Patrolling the Roads
3 x Peaceful Discourse
3 x Rain of Justice
3 x Reinforce the Gates
1 x Relentless Conviction
3 x Restoring Order
3 x Proper Deference
3 x Shameful and Cowardly
1 x The Fires of War
1 x A Game of Dice
3 x Unimpeachable Name
3 x Wall of Honor
Spell (3)
3 x Seek the Stain
Rings (1)
1 x Ring of Fire
Thanks for showing my deck! 🙂 Although my lastname is España and not Espana, jajaja…
Sorry about that. Should be fixed now.