The 2015 Kotei season kicked off with Jeff Williams bringing a win home for the Mantis at the Atlanta Kotei (the only one of these events that was Ivory Arc, not Ivory Strict), choosing to protect The Great Carpenter Wall for the Crab. Also on February 21 was the Montclair (SoCal) Kotei, which saw Jason Marlis win with a Dragon Tamori deck, protecting the Mirumoto’s two-sword Niten style.
February 28 featured three Kotei, leading off with Chris Medico of the Mantis choosing to protect Kyuden Ashingabachi after winning the New Hampshire Kotei. The Mantis, in the form of James Balthis, also snatched a win at the Tacoma Kotei, “protecting” the Bitter Lies technique in ways the Scorpion may not be so fond of. Finally, Mike George took home the prize at the Quezon City (Philippines) Kotei, winning with the Crane (story choice TBA).