So, are you the sort of gamer who just has too much money – so much that you can’t spend it all on games that are already out? Do you enjoy feeling like you’re better than other gamers because you have the cool new thing before it’s even a thing? Oh, and sometimes exclusive stuff that those budget gamers will never be able to get? Well, then have I got a post for you … I mean, hey, check out these cool up and coming games! Be a part of expanding the horizons of game design! Support innovation and small business!
Well, either way, here are some interesting things currently on Kickstarter:
The Complete Majority: This is a bundle of two Japanese cards games – The Majority and The Majority 2. If you check out my review of The Majority 2 here, you can see I rather liked the game, but its funding is not off to the whiz-bang start that one would hope to see (it’s only 4 days or so in). So this is definitely one that could use your funding dollars sooner rather than later, so make sure it gets within reach for that final week push. At only $25 for the two games, it seems like a good deal.
Apocalypse: Galactic Arena: If you prefer to go for already-funded Kickstarter projects (with 22 or so days left as of this post), there’s Galactic Arena, a two-player (or 4 or 6 player, if you like teams) tactical combat/duel game that (like you might expect from the title) pits heroes (well, characters, anyway) against each other in arena combat. The game features variable powers for the various heroes, as well as customization options like weapons, but aims to play in only 15 minutes once you get the hang of your character. Galactic Arena is planned to be the first game is a larger Apocalypse Universe. The basic “you get the game” option is $47, but higher pledge levels can be invoked to get miniatures instead of just cutouts.
The Orcfather: Back on the “this is a game where it really matters if you back it front,” there’s The Orcfather, which with 15 days left is hovering on the edge of success, if you believe the KickTraq projection (and you probably should). As with Galactic Arena, the title here will not set you astray, with the Orcfather pitting two fantasy mafia families against each other. Although there are only two families, there are not only two players, with the two players splitting up into teams – but no tabletalk when planning how to assassinate the head of the other family! The “get the game” pledge level here is $30.
Smoke & Glass: OK, I know what you’re thinking – how can I back on RPG that hasn’t even released a logo big enough that I can read the subtitle? Well, presumably because you are an insightful gamer who is not swayed by flashy (and expensive) graphic design. Smoke & Glass (which uses Fate Core, so that you don’t have to squint to read said subtitle) is set entirely within the city of Kroy, and combines an overall Dickensian feel with steampunk and magic. So I’m thinking Dickens meets Shadowrun – take the bleakest of Dickens, and then add magic and more advanced technology. With the game focused on one city, a lot of detail is planned, up to and including curse words and slang, which I have had a soft spot for ever since Planescape taught me how to tell berks to pike it. Smoke & Glass comes it at only $10 for a PDF, or $25 for a softcover (planned 200-page, 6×9). With a little over two weeks to go, the campaign has met its funding goal, and should hit stretch goals to unlock a digital EP and additional PDF setting material.
Bonus because Mike likes the company, there’s Stuff and Nonsense from those guys who have a real curse word in their name so they make it hard for me to stick to the family friendly thing. Who can make up the best imaginary expedition to brag about back at the clubhouse?