Only two Kotei this weekend, one of them small, and the numbers haven’t shifted that much. Lion picked up the Nebraska Kotei (their fourth win), while TKM Enlightenment ended the Dragon’s Kotei drought in Sweden. The Giovanni Aviles honor machine continued rolling in South Sioux City. Lots of Scorpion hit that Kotei, reportedly tilted towards dishonor – but still only put one guy in the cut. Some postulate that the publication of Flores Burn dishonor will cut into breeder’s ability to do well at tournaments, and seems to still be up in the air – but certainly more dishonor players instead of ninja players isn’t going to help the undead swarms.
1) Lion – 20.85%
2) Crab – 19.01%
3) Spider – 17.86%
4) Mantis – 15.79%
5) Crane – 15.14%
6) Dragon – 11.79%
7) Unicorn – 11.65%
8 ) Scorpion – 11.45%
9) Phoenix – 10.27%
Spider – 10
Crane – 7
Lion/Crab/Scorpion – 4
Mantis/Phoenix – 2
Dragon/Unicorn – 1
The full stat update will be up on our forums later today.