Kotei season rolls on, but the TDoW environment has come to an end. The environment ended up with a late Unicorn surge, Lion reasserting its make the cut dominance over Crab, and Crane racking up the wins. Spider cooled off late in the season – losing steam after this website (and others) drew attention to the problems with the deck, thus shifting the environment towards dishonor (and better dishonor, thanks to Flores posting his decklist), the bane of Breeder.
“Make the Cut” rankings
1) Lion – 20.26%
2) Crab – 17.38%
3) Spider – 16.53%
4) Crane – 15.85$
5) Mantis – 15.04%
6) Unicorn – 13.75%
7) Dragon – 12.03%
8 ) Scorpion – 11.63%
9) Phoenix – 11.49%
1) Crane – 12
2) Spider – 11
3) Crab/Lion – 6
5) Scorpion – 5
6) Dragon/Phoenix – 3
8 ) Mantis/Unicorn – 2
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