Kotei 2012/Embers of War Meta-Game Update #4

Only two Kotei last weekend, and we don’t have full data on the biggest one, so the data changes this time around are actually more influenced by the inclusion of the missing Kotei from last weekend.

The inclusion of this data has moved the environment to a more balanced position, with the two high-end outliers moving back towards the center, and the overall variability coming down. Plus, although its significance is more psychological than statistical, 8 of the 9 Clans have already picked up wins.

Embers of War Environment
Players % of Field Made Cut Won % Made Cut Chi-Squar Standard Residual
Crab 91 13.6% 26 1 28.6% 1.76
Crane 54 8.1% 9 16.7% -0.59
Dragon 69 10.3% 11 2 15.9% -0.80
Lion 75 11.2% 17 2 22.7% 0.46
Mantis 74 11.1% 16 2 21.6% 0.26
Phoenix 74 11.1% 9 1 12.2% -1.55
Scorpion 82 12.3% 12 2 14.6% -1.14
Spider 66 9.9% 15 1 22.7% 0.44
Unicorn 61 9.1% 16 3 26.2% 1.03
Unaligned 23 3.4% 6 26.1%
669 137 20.1% 3.04

Make the Cut Ranks
1) Crab – 29%
2) Unicorn – 26%
2a) Unaligned – 26%
3) Spider – 23%
4) Lion – 23%
5) Mantis – 22%
6) Crane – 17%
7) Dragon – 16%
8 ) Scorpion – 15%
9) Phoenix – 12.2%

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