Gates of Chaos Clan Tourney Success #1

Well, seems like we’ve finally got enough data out there to act like the Gates of Chaos tournament information is significant enough to be worth analyzing. Fully reported events included below are the Son of Death, the AC Level 10, the Obsidian Champs, the Return of the Blood Ruby, Secrets of the Stone, and the main event and second chance at the European Championships.

Big winners so far are the Phoenix (who have won half of the events) and Footsteps of Madness (which dominated the elimination rounds at the European Championships, and which has been more likely to make the cut than other ‘factions’).

Also, all of those bans, and the most important tournament of the Gates of Chaos environment is still won by … a holding blitz deck from an unaligned Stronghold that always goes first. Le sigh.

Gates of Chaos
Players % of Field Made Cut Won % Made Cut Relative Chance of Making Cut
Crab 35 11.7% 5 1 14.3% -24.7%
Crane 33 11.0% 4 1 12.1% -36.1%
Dragon 29 9.7% 7 24.1% 27.2%
Lion 32 10.7% 7 1 21.9% 15.3%
Mantis 27 9.0% 6 22.2% 17.2%
Phoenix 29 9.7% 6 4 20.7% 9.1%
Scorpion 30 10.0% 7 23.3% 23.0%
Spider 27 9.0% 4 14.8% -21.9%
Unicorn 29 9.7% 5 17.2% -9.1%
Unaligned 28 9.4% 9 1 32.1%
299 60 18.9% 20.4%

Make the Cut Ranks
0) Unaligned (a.k.a. Footsteps of Madness) – 32%
1) Dragon – 24%
2) Scorpion – 23%
3) Mantis – 22%
4) Lion – 22%
5) Phoenix – 21%
6) Unicorn – 17%
7) Spider – 15%
8 ) Crab – 14%
9) Crane – 12%

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