Shadow’s Embrace Decklist #6

No, that’s not a typo, this really is more decklists from the defunct-for-a-month Shadow’s Embrace environment. Well, decklist, actually, because today we have LoDD Dishonor deck and . . . that’s it. If only I had kept going just a little big longer for TSE Decklists #5, I would have realized I was basically done.

Next update should be actual Seeds of Decay decklists.

LoDD Dishonor – Geoff Prugh – Onyx Championships T8

Law of Darkness Dojo
Bamboo Harvesters xp
Border Keep xp

# Dynasty (41)

# Events (3)
1 Formal Apology
1 Successful Bounty
1 Gaining Advantage

# Celestials (1)
1 Jurojin’s Blessing

# Regions (1)
1 Second City

# Holdings (11)
2 Traveling Peddler
3 Recruitment Officer
3 Geisha House
3 Den of Iniquity

# Personalities (25)
3 Sanzoko
3 Bayushi Misaki
3 Shosuro Kameyoi
1 Soshi Yoshihara – exp
3 Otomo Demiyah
3 Shosuro Ryoken
3 Bayushi Irezu
3 Bayushi Hurunayi
3 Bayushi Shibata

# Fate (40)

# Strategies (39)
3 Bad Kharma
1 A Game of Dice
3 Game of Sincerity
3 Shameful Rebuke
3 Veiled Menace
1 Destructive Priorities
2 The Host’s Advantage
3 Inexplicable Challenge
1 Fruitless Search
3 Cowed and Defeated
3 The Power of a Word
3 Scorn the Weak
3 Entrenched Position
1 Astonishing Accusation
3 Rhetoric
1 Relentless Conviction
2 Sundering Strike

# Rings (1)
1 Ring of Earth



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